Pillars of Self-Sufficency Education LATEST

Pillar 2: People-Building Connections for Self-Sufficiency and Community

May 30, 2023

Welcome back to our series on the 5 Pillars of Self-Sufficiency. Today, we embark on the second pillar: People. In our self-sufficiency journey, fostering connections with other individuals, local farmers, and communities plays a pivotal role in building resilience, sharing knowledge, and finding support. Let's explore the importance of connecting with people and how it enhances our self-sufficiency endeavors.

Local Farmers

Local farmers are a treasure trove of wisdom and experience. By establishing relationships with them, you can learn about the products that they produce and sell, what livestock do well in your area, and what fruit and vegetable crops thrive in the local area. Since we know that we can’t grow everything ourselves, purchasing from local farmers helps them and you succeed in the food freedom journey Reach out to farmers in your area and express your interest in learning from them. Visiting their farms not only offers a chance to observe their operations firsthand but also provides an opportunity to build a mentorship-like relationship.

Farmers Markets

Farmers' markets are bustling hubs of activity where farmers and local producers come together to offer their goods. Not only do these markets provide access to fresh, locally grown food, but they also serve as a platform for networking and connecting with fellow homesteaders. Strike up conversations, ask questions, and share your own experiences. You'll likely find a supportive and passionate community eager to share knowledge and resources.

Online Resources

Facebook Groups, Marketplace, and Craigslist are great places to find local food sources. 

The internet has revolutionized the way we connect with others, even in the realm of homesteading. Facebook groups dedicated to homesteading and self-sufficiency have become virtual gathering places for individuals with similar interests. Join these groups, engage in discussions, seek advice, and share your own experiences. Additionally, online marketplaces and platforms like Craigslist provide opportunities to connect with local homesteaders who may have surplus supplies or livestock for sale or trade.



LocalHarvest.org is a valuable online resource that helps you find local farms, farmers' markets, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area. The website offers a directory where you can discover nearby farms, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), and even local food events. Exploring these listings can lead to new connections and opportunities for learning and collaboration.

Local Homesteading Groups

Many communities have local homesteading groups or organizations that bring together individuals with a shared interest in self-sufficiency and sustainable living. These groups organize workshops, classes, and social events focused on various aspects of homesteading. Joining such groups can provide you with a supportive network, opportunities for hands-on learning, and connections with like-minded individuals in your area. If you live in Southwest Wisconsin, please email me about live homesteading classes taught by me!

Building connections with local farmers, exploring farmers' markets, tapping into online resources, and joining local homesteading groups are all powerful ways to connect with your homesteading community. By reaching out and engaging with others who share your passion for self-sufficiency, you can unlock a wealth of knowledge, resources, and support. Remember, homesteading is not a journey meant to be traveled alone; it's a collective effort where the power of people plays a vital role in achieving sustainable and fulfilling self-sufficiency.

So, embrace the opportunities around you to connect with your homesteading community. Build relationships, learn from experienced farmers, and share your own knowledge. Together, we can create a thriving network of support, learning, and shared experiences that will enrich our homesteading journeys.

Wishing you fruitful connections on your self-sufficiency journey!