LATEST Pillars of Self-Sufficency

Pillar 5 -Persevering with a Positive Christian Attitude

Jun 06, 2023

As we continue our exploration of the pillars of self-sufficiency rooted in faith, today we embark on the fifth and final pillar: developing a positive Christian attitude. In this pillar, we focus on cultivating perseverance and unwavering trust in the Lord throughout our self-sufficiency journey.

God's Promises, Lifes Challenges

Life is filled with challenges, and our path toward self-sufficiency is no exception. There will be times when we face setbacks, obstacles, and moments of doubt. However, by anchoring ourselves in the promises of God and embracing a positive Christian attitude, we can find the strength to persevere.

For instance, one morning while I was milking my cow, I encountered a challenge. Our daily routine was disrupted when she suddenly decided to plow past me toward the grain bucket for a second breakfast. Not only did she knock me down and tip over the milk bucket, but she also left me with a bruised leg and bruised feelings. In moments like these, we have a choice to make. We can either give up on the challenge or find a way to overcome it. Just like in life, self-sufficiency presents us with challenges that test our resolve. After the initial shock at my cow's behavior, I thanked God for His protection and devised a plan to train her to have better manners.

What does the Bible Say?

As I have shared this series about the pillars of self-sufficiency, the Lord has prompted me to be more open about my faith. My intention is not to turn you off, but rather to remind you that amidst the chaos and uncertainties of our world, true peace can be found in Jesus Christ. Let me be transparent—I, too, was once skeptical about the Bible and Christianity. However, through an encounter that confronted my spiritual beliefs, I embarked on a transformative journey that led me to have faith in Jesus Christ. My life has never been the same since. If you are open to it, I invite you to stick around and hear more about my personal story in the future. And if you don't believe, perhaps you will consider opening your mind to the possibility. Maybe it is you who needs to hear about peace through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Bible provides us with numerous verses that encourage us to trust in the Lord and remain steadfast in our faith. One powerful verse is Romans 12:12, which says, "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." These words inspire us to maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of difficulties, and to remain steadfast in prayer. They remind us that our hope is firmly rooted in God's faithfulness, and by leaning on Him, we can find lasting peace and unwavering strength.

You are Not Alone!

Let's face it, homesteading can be a lonely journey, and life itself can feel isolating, especially when you're just starting your self-sufficiency journey. I've come to realize that despite being constantly connected to the world through our phones, it can still feel like no one truly understands the unique challenges we face on the homestead.

However, in times of loneliness and challenges, we can turn to Philippians 4:13 for assurance: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This powerful verse reminds us that we are not alone in our endeavors. With Christ by our side, we can confidently face any obstacle and find the resilience to overcome. I want you to know that I am here for you too. If you have any questions or need support regarding self-sufficiency, simply reach out to me by email

So, as we navigate the ups and downs of our self-sufficiency journey, let us hold onto these biblical truths and cultivate a positive Christian attitude. Through prayer, reflection, and the support of our fellow believers, we can draw closer to God and find the courage to persevere.

Before we conclude, I'd love to hear from you. What self-sufficiency skill would you like to become more proficient in? Whether it's honing your gardening skills, improving your animal husbandry knowledge, or exploring other areas, feel free to email me and share your thoughts. Let's continue to encourage and uplift one another on this journey.

May the Lord bless you abundantly and grant you the strength to persevere with a positive Christian attitude.